LACH DIAMANT will present a global innovation for HSC aluminium cutting

LACH DIAMANT at the IMTS in Chicago and AMB in Stuttgart
will present a global innovation for HSC aluminium cutting:

PCD Monoblock Cutter »Cool Injection-Plus«

»Cool Injection-Plus« PCD cutter developed in cooperation with the AUDI AG. This represents a combination of the by LACH DIAMANT developed and patented »Cool Injection« cooling system and the »Plus«, a chip controller for the HSC cutting of aluminium patented by the AUDI AG.

The solution to combine the directed cooling stream through the PCD cutting surface with the chip control »Plus« into one tool proved to be ideal for manufacturing. Now the extreme high cutting speeds and feed rates for HSC cutting can be applied successfully.

Here is more.

»Cool Injection-Plus« Monoblock cutters can be manufactured with the highest possible PCD number of cutting edges because the chips produced during cutting can immediately be led away from the cutting zone. It is understandable that during machining the work piece and the PCD cutting edge both profit, once by the maximum possible surface quality and accuracy and again by the maximum tool life of the PCD cutter. Result: The chips now do not have to be „cut” several times.

In summary: By the newly developed PCD Monoblock cutter »Cool Injection-Plus« cycle time reductions of more than 50 % have been achieved by the automobile industry especially in engine and transmission manufacturing.

PCD cutters »Cool Injection-Plus« are delivered complete, ready for installation and can be put on the machine without the otherwise time consuming adjustment measures.

More about the highlights of LACH DIAMANT PCD cutting tools at the IMTS in Chicago (September 8 to 13, 2014) and the AMB in Stuttgart (September 16 to 20, 2014) or directly from LACH DIAMANT, Hanau, Germany. For information for the USA and Canada please contact LACH DIAMOND INC, Grand Rapids/Michigan.